North Carolina General Safety 5 Credit Bundle Part II

This course bundle is designed for North Carolina Agricultural Commercial Pesticide Applicators. The course bundle contains 10 credits of training approved by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Click on course details for a list of specific courses.


  • Pesticide Labels and Safety Data Sheets – 1 credit
  • Transportation, Storage, Security, and Professional Conduct – 1 credit
  • Federal Pesticide Laws – 1 credit
  • Planning the Pesticide Application – 1 credit
  • Pest Management – 1 credit


Pesticide Labels and Safety Data Sheets

Course Description

Pesticide labels and safety data sheets (SDS) appear to contain much of the same information. While the label is the law, an SDS is not considered the law. As an applicator, it is important to understand the difference between a pesticide label and a safety data sheet and know what information can be found in each document. This course will review the various parts of pesticide labels and safety data sheets to identify the similarities and differences.

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Identify the content and sections of a pesticide label
  • Identify the content and sections of a safety data sheet (SDS)
  • Outline the differences between information such as signal words and PPE on pesticide labels and safety data sheets
  • Explain how to use pesticide labels and safety data sheets to prepare applications


Transportation, Storage, Security, and Professional Conduct

Course Description

This course discusses safety and security issues that may arise when pesticides are moved or stored. Serious accidents involving pesticides are more likely to occur while they are in transit. Securing pesticides in a vehicle or in storage is a critical step to prevent vandalism or theft of product. You can reduce pesticide transport and storage problems by being aware of the conditions that lead to increased security risks.

It is important for certified applicators to know under what conditions uncertified people can make applications of restricted use products. You also need to understand the importance of communication and how to communicate with customers about what you are doing.

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • State what precautions to take before transporting pesticides.
  • Summarize what the label says about legally disposing of unwanted pesticides.
  • List the steps to take to restrict access to pesticides.
  • Explain the basics of professionalism for pesticide applicators.

Federal Pesticide Laws

Course Description

Pesticides are hazardous substances that can cause serious harm if used improperly. Pesticides are regulated to utilize their benefits while protecting public health and welfare and preventing harm to the environment. Federal and state pesticide laws and regulations control the labeling, sale and distribution, storage, transportation, use, and disposal in the best public interest. This course addresses the requirements set forth by federal regulations. Pesticide applicators are responsible for learning about and complying with all regulations.

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Be able to describe and integrate important regulatory requirements related to labeling, hazard management, environmental issues, and application procedures.
  • Distinguish between restricted-use and general-use pesticide classifications.
  • Explain the importance of maintaining accurate records of pesticide application and employee training.

Planning the Pesticide Application 

Course Description

Planning is essential before beginning a pesticide application. To help plan, you should know how to select the right pesticide for the job, review the label, test for pesticide compatibility before mixing, choose what personal protective equipment to wear, transfer pesticides safely, and how to clean up after an application. Careful planning and consideration of all details is the hallmark of professionalism.

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Explain how to select appropriate pesticides and additives (if needed).
  • Follow the label for safe mixing and loading.
  • State some basic procedures that ensure the correct application of pesticides.

Pest Management

Course Description

Civilization has been combating insects and other pests throughout history. A pest is an undesirable organism that injures
humans, desirable plants and animals, manufactured products, or natural substances. Many insects, pathogens (disease-causing organisms, such as viruses, bacteria, or fungi), plants (known as weeds), mollusks (slugs and snails), fish, birds, and a variety of mammals (from mice to deer) compete for our crops and livestock. As the battle between humans
and pests continues over time, so will innovative methods of control.

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Discuss the importance of pest identification in pest control.
  • Describe how pest population levels trigger control procedures.
  • Give several reasons why pesticide applications may fail.